Total Comprehensible Input (Spanish as a Second Language)

Our class will be taught using Total Comprehensible Input, a teaching method that is based on speaking, listening to, reading and writing Spanish for about 90% of class. This class will help you to ACQUIRE Spanish (similar to the way a baby learns a language) and develop fluency rather than just memorizing information.  You will be very active in class – gesturing, acting, drawing, writing, and lots of reading.

Our year long big idea and essential question are:

Essential Question(s)/ Big Ideas
Knowing How, When, and Why to say What to Whom.  Why is it important to develop a second language in a global world?

  **See Mr. Walden or me ASAP if you need help getting these materials

  1. 3-ring binder with plenty of lined paper
  2. 5 dividers for the 3-ring binder
  3. Pencils or black/blue pens

 About that binder…  Your binder is important!  Keep it neat & organized.  You will have binder checks periodically.  We will discuss the 5 sections of the binder in class, soon.

 Grading:  Students will be graded on the following :







Classroom Rules:

Students must comply with all Skinner rules including the 5 B’s, uniform policy, no electronics, etc. Additionally, students are expected to follow directions at all times. We will go over these in class.

TCI RULES are as follows:
  1. One person speaks and everyone else listens.
  2. Do your 50%. Gesture and class responses.
  3. Eyes and ears attentive at all times!
  4. Use your Spanish! Give creative suggestions for stories.
  5. Let me know when you do not understand! Do the class gesture.

 Expectations: It is important that you are in class every day.  The majority of learning a foreign language takes place IN the classroom and cannot be duplicated just by reading or studying at home.

Classroom Rules/Expectations
       Spanish! Use it!       Kind! Be it!       Inquisitive! Ask questions!       Neighborly! Help your peers!       Nourish! Your mind needs knowledge to grow!

       Enthusiasm! Have it! Wahoo!

       Respect! Yourself, your peers, your teacher, your school!

Edmodo…I use edmodo to communicate with students. I use it to send reminders occasionally about upcoming quizzes and tests.

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